EVERYTHING about you is an expression of universal energy -- your thoughts, beliefs, self-images, feelings, emotions, actions, physical body, physiological sensations, etc. We all come from the same source of Universal Energy, although each of us utilizes and expresses this energy in different, unique and creative ways. This Cosmic Consciousness/Energy is the basis of ALL THERE IS and is called by many different names (depending on the belief system). We are as much a part of this Source, as this Source is a part of us (the inseparable whole and part). This Source isn’t a cosmic parent-figure in the sky whose approval and mercy and validation we fearfully cling to for eternity because we are inherently flawed and unworthy, although it could be that if you wanted it to be. You get to choose how you define this Source and your relationship to It, although Its true essence transcends all human definitions. This is a mysterious paradox that human intellect and reason can’t penetrate.
EVERYTHING in the universe – including you -- emanates from and expresses itself as Consciousness/Energy. Through deep meditation and self-study, you will realize that your mind, on conscious and unconscious levels, automatically manipulates and shapes “your portion” of this universal energy and that there is another part of you, neutral awareness (the Silent Observer), that solely observes and mirrors the quality and expression of your energy, but with objectivity, neutrality, and non-attachment. This neutral awareness, which is just consciousness without name and form, gives you the capacity to know your energy expressions intellectually and intuitively so you can know yourself on a deeper level as a being of unlimited creative potential. Through greater awareness and through overcoming fear/suffering, you will realize that you can grab the reins of your energy and exert more control over how you experience and express it. Because you are the very energy you express as well as react to. You control the direction of your life. Because your life is a manifestation of how you choose to use your energy. And you have control over energy, as your true essence is Consciousness/Energy itself.